Addtech is a catalyst for the development towards a sustainable society and sustainable industry. In our role as a supplier and knowledge mediator of leading technical solutions, we work purposefully to achieve a more sustainable future and to ensure long-term profitability for the Group. Sustainable business is not only good for the planet and for people – it also generates business opportunities.

Sustainability is a natural part of all strategic decisions within Addtech. Ultimately, the Group’s Board of Directors is responsible for our long-term sustainability targets – although all Group employees have responsibility for sustainable development. The Parent Company’s role is to support and guide the subsidiaries in the right direction. The day-to-day sustainability efforts are conducted in accordance with our decentralised structure, where the subsidiaries bear their own responsibility for achieving their targets.

Leading technical solutions for a sustainable tomorrow.

We focus on:
• Business development that supports sustainable development and strengthens our business
• Building strong partnerships within our value chain
• Optimising and streamlining freight transport to reduce our climate footprint
• Prioritising renewable energy sources
• Striving for diversity among candidates, within recruitment
• Offering all employees equal development opportunities
• Working for favourable working conditions in our supply chain
• Internal co-creation to learn from and develop each other within sustainability

Sustainable partnerships
Building strong partnerships in our value chain is important for solving the global sustainability challenges and driving change while also generating value for Addtech’s stakeholders. Accordingly, we maintain an ongoing constructive dialogue with our customers and suppliers to establish sustainable partnerships and identify and take advantage of the opportunities to develop together towards our 2030 targets.

Examples of activities during the year
• Sustainability training and workshops with a business perspective to identify business opportunities
• Reinforced focus on transparent sustainability reporting, such as developing key figures and increasing support for the companies
• Activities within the TCFD framework to identify our climate-related financial risks and opportunities
• Sustainability activities for the subsidiaries as part of our strategy and development planning to meet our 2030 targets
• Upgraded work with supplier follow-ups

Our companies help customers achieve their sustainability objectives

When Addtech talks about sustainability, the business perspective is always in focus. We are convinced that sustainable development drives business and is crucial to our continued success. It is therefore important that our companies take advantage of all business opportunities to be found in the transition to a sustainable society and sustainable industry. Of course, the companies themselves must conduct sustainable and responsible operations.

Developments in the area of sustainability are progressing incredibly fast at the moment. I dare say that in the past three years, twice as much has happened as in the preceding ten.

The potential for Addtech’s companies is considerable as we are truly able to contribute to the change with our focus on customised solutions and our technical expertise.

Sustainability is an integrated part of Addtech’s acquisitions philosophy. When we analyse potential acquisitions, the companies’ sustainability status is an important parameter.

It is important that we continue to be visionary and perceiving and taking advantage of the long-term business opportunities generated in the transition to a sustainable society. This also includes building strong partnerships to deal with common challenges.

In our role as a provider of technical solutions, we will continue to be a catalyst for the transition to a more sustainable world.


of sales contribute to sustainable development

By offering technical solutions that contribute to our customers’ transition and development, we aim to generate sustainable business.

women in leading positions
reduced CO2 intensity

With equal opportunity and climate smart operations, we seek to build an attractive and sustainable organisation.

of the purchase volume assessed based on our Code of Conduct

Through structured supplier follow-ups, we promote good working conditions and responsible production for a sustainable supply chain.

2021 Addtech committed to the UN Global Compact corporate responsibility initiative and its principles in the areas of human rights, labour rights, the environment and anti-corruption.