Note 30

Earnings per share before and after dilution

2020/2021 2019/2020
Earnings per share before and after dilution (EPS), SEK*
Earnings per share before dilution 2.60 3.20
Earnings per share after dilution 2.60 3.20
See Note 1 for the method of calculation.
The numerators and denominators used to calculate the above EPS are derived as stated below.
The number of shares has been restated to take the share split (4:1) completed in September 2020 into account, and has been used in all calculations of key figures for SEK per share.

Earnings per share before dilution
The calculation of earnings per share for 2020/2021 is based on profit for the year attributable to Parent Company shareholders, totalling SEK 706 million (862), and a weighted average number of shares outstanding during 2020/2021 of 269,051 thousand (268,493). The two components were calculated in the following manner:

2020/2021 2019/2020
Profit for the year attributable to the equity holders of the Parent Company, before dilution (SEKm) 706 862
Weighted average number of shares during the year, before dilution
In thousands of shares 2020/2021 2019/2020
Total number of shares 1 April 268,594 268,228
Effect of treasury shares held 457 265
Weighted average number of shares during the year, before dilution 269,051 268,493

Earnings per share after dilution

The calculation of diluted earnings per share for 2020/2021 is based on profit attributable to Parent Company shareholders, totalling SEK 706 million (862), and a weighted average number of shares (thousands) out-standing during 2020/2021 of 269,969 thousand (269,200). The two components were calculated in the following manne

2020/2021 2019/2020
Profit for the year attributable to the equity holders of the Parent Company, after dilution (SEKm) 706 862
Weighted average number of shares during the year, before dilution
In thousands of shares 2020/2021 2019/2020
Weighted average number of shares during the year, before dilution 269,051 268,493
Effect of share options issued 918 707
Weighted average number of shares during the year, after dilution 269,969 269,200