Note 24

Non-current interest-bearing liabilities

2021-03-31 2020-03-31
Liabilities to credit institutions:
Maturing within 2 years 400 917
Maturing within 3-5 years 900 710
Maturing in five years or later - 0
Total non-current liabilities to credit institutions 1,300 1,627
Lease liability:
Maturing within 2 years 165 141
Maturing within 3-5 years 283 251
Maturing in five years or later 42 66
Total lease liability 490 458
Other interest-bearing liabilities:
Maturing within 2 years 212 48
Maturing within 3 years 54 17
Maturing within 4-5 years - 4
Maturing in five years or later
Total other non-current interest-bearing liabilities 266 69
Total 2,056 2,154
The non-current interest-bearing liabilities in the Parent Company at 31 March 2021 amounted to SEK 1,300 million (1600). Other interest-bearing liabilities largely consist of additional contingent considerations with estimated interest of 5.0 percent.
The Addtech Group’s non-current liabilities to credit institutions are divided among currencies as follows:
2021-03-31 2020-03-31
Currency Local currency SEKm Local currency SEKm
SEK 1,300 1,300 1,600 1,600
Other 0 0 3 27
Total 1,300 1,627
2021-03-31 2020-03-31
Liabilities to credit institutions:
Maturing within 2 years 400 900
Maturing within 3-5 years 900 700
Maturing in five years or later
Total non-current liabilities to credit institutions 1,300 1,600
Liabilities to Group companies 318 127
TOTAL 1,618 1,727
The Parent Company's liabilities to Group companies have no fixed maturity dates.

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