Note 17

Financial assets and liabilities

Parent Company
Receivables from Group companies 2020-03-31 2019-03-31
Opening balance 1,804 1,984
Increase during the year 1,476 40
Decrease during the year -42 -220
Carrying amount at year-end 3,238 1,804
Parent Company
Specification of interests in Group companies Country Number of shares Quotient value Holding % Carrying amount
Carrying amount
Addtech Nordic AB, 556236-3076, Stockholm Sweden 1,004 1,004
Total 1,004 1,004
A complete statutory specification is included as an annex to the annual accounts submitted to the Swedish Companies Registration Office. The specification can be obtained from Addtech AB.
Parent Company
Interests in Group companies 31 Mar 2021 31 Mar 2020
Accumulated cost
Opening balance 1,119 1,119
Closing balance 1,119 1,119
Accumulated impairment losses
Opening balance -115 -115
Closing balance -115 -115
Carrying amount at year-end 1,004 1,004
Carrying amount at start of year 1,004 1,004
Carrying amounts and financial instruments are recognised in the balance sheet according to the following tables.
31 Mar 2021
Group Measured at fair value through profit Unlisted equity instruments reported at cost Accounts receivable and loan receivables Total carrying amount
Other financial assets 3 3
Non-current receivables 13 13
Accounts receivable 1,860 1,860
Other receivables 2 2 125 129
Cash and cash equivalents 420 420
Non-current interest-bearing liabilities 141 1,915 2,056
Current interest-bearing liabilities 126 1,036 1,162
Accounts payable 972 972
Other liabilities 4 3 7
Group Measured at fair value through profit Unlisted equity instruments reported at cost Accounts receivable and loan receivables Total carrying amount
Other financial assets 4 4
Non-current receivables 19 19
Accounts receivable 2,003 2,003
Other receivables 11 - 117 128
Cash and cash equivalents 363 363
Non-current interest-bearing liabilities 46 2,108 2,154
Current interest-bearing liabilities 105 357 462
Accounts payable 1,028 1,028
Other liabilities 5 - 5
Current and non-current loans are carried at amortised cost. The difference between the carrying amount and fair value is marginal for these items. The same applies to other financial instrument for larger amounts, since maturity is short.
Interest bearing liabilities measured at fair value in the income statement refer to contingent purchase considerations for acquisitions of operations.
Financial instruments, SEKm 31 Mar 2021 31 Mar 2020
Carrying amount Level 2 Level 3 Carrying amount Level 2 Level 3
Derivatives -fair value, hedge instruments 2 2 6 6
Derivatives - fair value through profit 2 2 5 5
Total financial assets at fair value per level 4 4 11 11
Derivatives -fair value, hedge instruments 3 3 1 1
Derivatives - fair value through profit 4 4 4 4
Contingent considerations- fair value though profit 267 267 151 151
Total financial liabilities at fair value per level 274 7 267 156 5 151
Fair value and carrying amount are recognised in the balance sheet according to the table above.
Level 1 refers to when fair value is determined based on quoted prices in an active market. At the end of the reporting period, the Group had no items in this category.
Level 2 refers to when fair value is determined based on either directly or indirectly observable market data not included in level 1. This is done for foreign currency accounts and embedded derivatives.
Level 3 is not observable in the market. A cash flow-based valuation is carried out for the Group's contingent considerations. For the Group’s other financial assets and liabilities, fair value is estimated to be equal to the carrying amount.
Contingent purchase considerations 2020/2021 2019/2020
Opening balance, carrying amount 151 198
Acquisitions during the year 170 63
Reversed through the income statement 9 -52
Purchase considerations paid -64 -65
Interest expenses 9 3
Exchange differences -8 4
Carrying amount, closing balance 267 151
Impact of financial instruments on net earnings 2020/2021 2019/2020
Assets and liabilities measured at fair value
through the income statement
-18 -5
Equity instruments recognised at fair value
through other comprehensive income
0 0
Measured at amortised cost -35 -35
Total -53 -40