SEK million Share capital Other contributed capital Reserves Retained earnings, including profit for the year Total, Parent Company shareholders Non- controlling interests Total equity
EQUITY, OPENING BALANCE 2020-04-01 51 344 180 2,443 3,018 58 3,076
Profit for the year 706 706 23 729
Cash flow hedges -4 -4 -4
Translation differences -138 -138 -4 -142
Revaluations of defined benefit pension plans 17 17 17
Tax attributable to other comprehensive income 1 -2 -1 -1
Other comprehensive income -141 15 -126 -4 -130
Comprehensive income for the year -141 721 580 19 599
Call options issued 11 11 11
Call options redeemed 37 37 37
Options repurchased -23 -23 -23
Repurchases of treasury shares
Dividend -269 -269 -4 -273
Option liability, acquisitions -135 -135 -135
Change in non-controlling interests 158 158
EQUITY, CLOSING BALANCE 2021-03-31 51 344 39 2,785 3,219 231 3,450
SEK million Share capital Other contributed capital Reserves Retained earnings, including profit for the year Total, Parent Company shareholders Non- controlling interests Total equity
EQUITY, OPENING BALANCE 2019-04-01 51 344 123 1,952 2,470 50 2,520
Profit for the year 862 862 11 873
Cash flow hedges 2 2 2
Translation differences 56 56 3 59
Revaluations of defined benefit pension plans -12 -12 -12
Tax attributable to other comprehensive income -1 3 2 2
Other comprehensive income 57 -9 48 3 51
Comprehensive income for the year 57 853 910 14 924
Call options issued 6 6 6
Call options redeemed 33 33 33
Options repurchased -23 -23 -23
Repurchases of treasury shares -42 -42 -42
Dividend -336 -336 -10 -346
Change in non-controlling interests 0 0 4 4
EQUITY, CLOSING BALANCE 2020-03-31 51 344 180 2,443 3,018 58 3,076
SEK 2020/2021 2019/2020
Dividend per share 1,201) 1,00
1) As proposed by the Board of Directors.