Driving force in our markets


Increased internationalisation is changing trade patterns, opening new growth opportunities for our customers.

Climate change

Is driving society’s demand for energy solutions that are sustainable in the long term.

Technical development
Continuous need for new sustainable solutions, such as electrification, digitalisation, automation, 5G, robotics and Industry 4.0.

Industrial transformation
Increasing demands for specialisation and automation, entails industry seeking out additional external partners offering efficient and effective technical solutions.

Economic circumstances and global situation
Our growth and profitability are linked to industrial development but also to geopolitical development and major world events, such as pandemics.

Strategies and success factors

Market-leading niche positions
Our companies are to be market leaders in selected technical niches with a high knowledge content. This establishes the conditions for stable growth and longterm profitability.

Operational agility
The companies must be able to act quickly and agilely in response to new business opportunities. The Group must also respond quickly by, for example, splitting operations, and maintaining efficient processes for integrating new companies.

Growth through acquisitions

Acquisitions and supplementary acquisitions represent an important part of our growth philosophy. This enables rapid expansion in new segments, a broadened product range and improved market positions.

Three long-term success factors

1. Skilled employees
2. Decentralised organisation and deeply-rooted corporate culture
3. Consistent and sustainable action generating business opportunities

Select focus areas
• Talented people to secure future skills
• Entrepreneurship 2.0 to safeguard continuous development and innovative energy
• Increased decentralised responsibility to reinforce personal driving force
• Co-creation – to identify synergies between the companies

Our stakeholders


We are in partnership with our customers and help them develop sustainable technical solutions.


In close collaboration with our suppliers, we contribute with specialist expertise that helps increase their success.


Addtech fosters a corporate culture in which all thrive and in which we grow together.

Our shareholders contribute with capital and expect returns. Through responsible ownership, they can contribute to acceptance and legitimacy in society.

Social partners

We maintain an ongoing dialogue with relevant societal actors: including public authorities, industrial associations and trade unions.

Our financial targets and sustainability targets

Earnings growth:                       Outcome 20/21:
 >15%           -15%
(Over a business cycle)

P/WC:                                         Outcome 20/21:
  >45%            52%

Carbon dioxide
intensity in 2030:                       Outcome 20/21
   1,25            2,2%
(total CO2e tonnes/net sales SEK million)

Percentage of sales
contributing to sustainable
development in 2030:                Outcome 20/21:
   100%          50%

Proportion of women in 
leading positions in 2030:           Outcome 20/21:
    40%           19%

Percentage of purchasing volume
evaluated based on the
Code of Conduct in 2030:            Outcome 20/21:
    80%           24%